Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Family Fun

OK... So we had a family cookout over the weekend with my hubby's family. Its was crazy needless to say, which isn't usual anyway but we had alot of laughs. My hubby and his daddy had a rib cook off...which we were not prepared for, which I think my hubby's were way better and so did everyone else. We all ate and then the kids went outside to play in the rain and decided to get out the sidewalk chalk and play in it while raining... YES A BIG MESS! Holden looked like the incredible hulk but then the adults got in you could only imagine what happened next. Then my hubby and his brothers thought they were gonna be funny(which is was) and throw my sister in law in the pool fully clothed (if you only knew the story behind James and his sister with pranks) while I took pictures! Then they all got me, my cousin Meilian, my other sister in law April and then last but not least they got my sister in law again after she went in to change into dry clothes!!! We had a blast and will have many more to come!!!

The kids attacked Aunt Louise with their chalky hands!

And.... there she goes!

My Beautiful Cousin Meilian

Meilian's Turn.....


Blogger Heather said...

Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! Your babies are so beautiful! Where are y'all living now?

July 1, 2009 at 12:16 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Thanks! Your daughters are absolutely adorable. We are currently stationed at shaw in sumter. Just a hop jump and skip from lexington!

July 10, 2009 at 9:39 PM  

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