Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Must HAVES....

ONE: I have to atleast have one pair of Reef flip-flops in my closest

Reef flip flops, size 8 Pictures, Images and Photos

TWO: There has to be more than 1 bottle of body wash in my shower... and I usually have like 3 or 4 cause I never like using the same one everyday... crazy I know it drives my hubby insane!

Dove Go Fresh Cool Moisture Bodywash Pictures, Images and Photos

THREE: I need atleast 1 fountain diet coke a day! It is like my morning coffee and I prefer it to come from sonic.

Diet Coke Pictures, Images and Photos

FOUR: I am obsessed with having Mortons Nature Seasoning in my kitchen spice cabinet... I use it in almost every thing I cook and go thru a bottle like every month and if i dont use it in all my meals. I season all my meat with it. Its some magic stuff. I couldnt find a picture of it but here is the mortons salt girl....

Mortons Salt Pictures, Images and Photos

Thanks Jamie! I have alot more of "Must Haves" but that was just a quick little preview of some things... Had Fun

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Ok, Well I get a thumbs down! I am so mad at myself for not keeping up with my blog... But I got something that may motivate me to atlease post one blog a week....

Ok, so as everyone can see... James and I are expecting our 3rd little blessing. We found out on monday (8/10/09) and was kinda shocked but happy. I had to take 6 test cause I couldnt believe it. I know its crazy... But we are so thrilled to be having another addition to our family. I will keep track of my pregnancy...hopefully on here.